A shunt switch is used in a thug -resistant mortise lock (with a micro switch fitted). These locks are used in places such as emergency exits or on Burglar Alarm Systems.
When the deadlock is locked, the alarm is set, and when it's unlocked, the alarm is unset. The main benefit is that the door contact will be the first mechanism to be activated if the door is forced open (the most common form of attack) and the police will be called more instantly than through the use of an alternative system design.
The secondary advantage is that in the event your keys are stolen, the code for the burglar alarm will not also be lost (which can potentially happen on some existing burglar alarm designs).
Installing may also be an issue. On business-related properties surface run cable is not usually a problem, but in a private residence the cable usually has to go through the door. It is vital to use a skilled carpenter with the right tools.
The complication of these alarm locks requires educated intelligence on the part of the locksmith who may be required to mend or replace such a lock.
Locksmiths may also be called in circumstances where an exit or emergency door has been locked or jammed. There are doors that must legally remain unlocked. Any time they have become illegally obstructed, the locksmith may be called to undo the damage.
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